Past Performances

Joint Concert with Exaltation Choir at Trinity Church – December 2023

Sat, 16 Dec 2023

We were asked to help put on a concert at Trinity Church as a fundraiser and so we teamed up with the lovely Exaltation Choir, another lovely Halstead group, to perform a series of Christmas favourites!

What an excellent way to finish the season!

Christmas Concert – 2023

Fri, 15 Dec 2023

Our favourite time of year wouldn’t be complete without our own Christmas Concert. Once again we were back with the Halstead Dementia Choir as guest singers – they brought the house down as usual!

Here we are with our pre-show photo ritual!

And here we are on stage!


And here are a couple of shots with the DFC!

Singing at Trinity Church – December 2023

Sat, 25 Nov 2023

We are back for the first time since the pandemic to sing at the Trinity Reception for the Christmas Lights Switch on at Halstead Christmas Fayre!

Trinity Church

Summer Concert - 2023

Fri, 14 Jul 2023

Fully back in the swing of things, our Summer Concert was a huge success…

Here is our pre-show ritual of our group photo…

And then the concert!

Christmas Concert – 2022

Sat, 17 Dec 2022

And we are back with a bang! Our first concert back since the extended break due to Covid. And back at a new venue! We moved to The Empire Theatre September 2023, and this was our first concert on our new stage…

You’ll notice the audience are all standing – it was Carol Singing time! We may be in a new venue, but we still made sure the audience got their annual singlaong with us!

Christmas Concert 2022

Braintree Lights Switch On – November 2022

Sat, 19 Nov 2022
We were honoured to be asked to sing at the Braintree Lights Switch On – we didn’t quite realise we were to be the main act for the event, just before the count down!! It was quite a big audience… and it was fab!!

Braintree Lights Switch On

DFC Launch – September 2022

Wed, 7 Sep 2022
September 2022 saw the launch of the Dementia Friendly Choir inconjunction with our choir and The Empire Theatre. We started small, but we have definitely grown!

DFC Launch

Jubilee Celebrations in Halstead – June 2022

Sun, 5 Jun 2022
We were very proud to join in with the Jubilee Celebrations in Halstead. We sang a special hymn called ‘In Our Service’ called written by Composer Thomas Hewitt-Jones, commissioned by the Royal School of Church Music, with lyrics based on the Queen’s speeches through the years – it was very moving to sing!

Jubliee Performance

Doorstep Carols – December 2021, Colne View Care Home

Wed, 15 Dec 2021
It may still be in the midst of a miserable pandemic, but donned with masks, and in the fresh (very cold!) air, we traipsed up to the Colne View Care Home to join in with Doorstep Carols for the residents and families. There were even donkeys!!

Doorstep Carols

Christmas Concert – 2019

Sat, 7 Dec 2019

Unknown to us, this was to be our last concert at Ramsey – and our last concert for a few years! Covid was just around the corner, and we would be singing on Zoom for a while… but we kept going!!

This was also the concert Sam had to conduct the entire two-hour performance with a baby in a sling, as the youngest member of the choir just would not settle with anyone else!!

Christmas Concert 2019

Christmas Switch On Reception at Trinity Church, Halstead – 2019

Sat, 30 Nov 2019

One of our favourites for the year – the Reception at Trinity following the Christmas Lights Switch on at the Halstead Christmas Fayre!

It’s chilly, but fabulous!

Trinity Church - 2019

Summer Concert – 2019

Sat, 13 Jul 2019
Our fabulous outside concert at Ramsey Academy! A beautiful summers evening, where the rain held off – everyone brought picnics and we sang a fabulous collection of summer songs!

Summer Picnic Concert 2019

Carols on the Green – 2017

Sat, 16 Dec 2017

A chilly night at Carols on the Green, Colne Engaine.

Carols on the Green

Christmas Concert – 2017

Sat, 9 Dec 2017
Our annual concert at Ramsey Academy, Halstead.

Christmas 2017

May Day Celebrations, Halstead Public Gardens

Mon, 1 May 2017
On Monday 1st May the choir were proud to be asked to perform at the May Day Celebrations in Halstead Public Gardens. Despite the weather, a good time was had by all…

At the Bandstand

All That Jazz, Ramsey Academy

Wed, 29 Jun 2016

On Wednesday 29th June the choir were delighted to be asked to perform as guests at the Ramsey Academy music and dance evening ‘All That Jazz’.

Here is the choir just about to go on and perform:

Pre-Show Photo!

St. Andrews’ Church Fete

Sat, 25 Jun 2016
On Saturday 25th June we sang at St. Andrews’ Church Fete held in the garden of St Andrews’ Rectory in Halstead.

Queen’s 90th Birthday Celebrations, Halstead

Sun, 12 Jun 2016

On Sunday 12th June we sang at the Queen’s 90th birthday celebrations in the public gardens in Halstead.

Here we are in action (Soloist – Tony Wade):

Brought to you by Making Music
Copyright © 2024 Halstead Community Choir